Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Art 🎨🖌🖼

 In September we were learning about Paint and Colour.

We began by making a colour wheel to make Secondary Colours and Tertiary Colours.

We painted fish using Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colours.

We also learned about Warm Colours and Cool Colours.

Have a look at some of the artwork Ms Cormican remembered to photograph!!🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Coloured Fish

Cool and Warm Colours

Life Cycle of a Butterfly Art for Geography

We made these in SPHE

SPHE - We all fit together

Monday, September 28, 2020

Science Experiment - Flowers and Food Colouring

 This month in Science, we are learning about plants. We learned about the functions of each part of the plant. We did an experiment to see how water travels through a flower.

Here we are setting up our experiment. We had to cut our stems at an angle and put them in a cup with water and food colouring. We made our prediction and left them over the weekend.

Here are our results!!! The petals on our flowers changed colours!


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Skipping Workshop

Third class showed off their amazing skipping skills in our Skipping Workshop!! 
We learned loads of new tricks.!!

We have lots of new skipping ropes that the children can practise their new tricks with on yard at lunch time!