Sunday, April 26, 2020

Active HOME Week 2020

National ‘Active SCHOOL Week’ takes place at the end of April/beginning of May every year and is a really enjoyable part of the school year for many children.
This year, because of COVID-19, it is not possible for this to go ahead, but you can still participate in the ‘Active HOME Week’ Challenge instead!馃帀

As we are giving suggested curriculur work only on Thursday (7th May) and Friday (8th May) this week, we are encouraging you to take part in the ‘Active HOME Week Challenge (4th May - 10th May) this week as well!! 
Image of Exercise Chart
Exercising with your family is a great way to use some of this time that you're not in school! The challenge is: every day you try to complete four activities, which adds up to 60 minutes (or more) of physical activity a day!

Here is the chart that can be filled in, but you could just draw your own in your copy!

Image of Information pdf

Click here for more information about  ‘Active HOME Week, as well as various other ideas, websites and links!
Remember to check out the Scoil Cholmcille Website and the Active Flag Website for more ideas.

Active Home Week Challenge Ideas

Active Flag have created  a Word Cloud of Ideas for different physical activities you could do!

Remember to stay safe and within 2km of your home!
Below is an example of activities you could do each day! Remember, the idea is to do four activities a day that add up to 60 minutes of physical activity!

Click on the links below to bring you to the websites!

Image of  Active HOME Week Example
Or click here for the pdf of a sample week of Active HOME Week activities with  links.
Remember, this is just an example, you can do whatever you want and be as creative as you like!!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Work for Week of 27th April - 1st May 2020

Here is the suggested work for my class for the week of the 27th of April. Like last week, there's an outline of work on a timetable below and links to each day's work at the end of this post.

You're all working so hard at your school work, as well as so many children being helpful at home, being creative and getting out and being active. You're an incredible bunch!! 馃榿

If you manage to get any of the work done this week, you can show me on Seesaw. Any questions, ask me on Seesaw as well!

For anyone who didn't get in to the school at the end of March to collect a pack with an Earthlink Book and a Treasury D Book, I have uploaded scans of the pages, just click on the links to view them.

Have a great week!

Ms Cormican 馃尰 

Outline of Work for the Week

Click on the links below to access the work for each day:


Outline of Work Image
Click to Enlarge Image

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Work for Monday 27th April 2020

Click to Enlarge Image

  • One page from Handwriting Book
  • Write the following paragraph in joined writing into your copy:
The April rain-drops tinkle
In cuckoo-cups of gold,
And warm south winds unwrinkle
The buds the peach-boughs hold


  • Litrigh 茅 Linn: Page 52 Activity 2

Focl贸ir (Vocabulary)
Cart煤in = cartoon
Cl谩r Sp贸irt = Sport Programme
Cl谩r D煤lra = Nature Programme
Aer贸g = Aerial
R铆omhaire = Computer
Cl贸d贸ir = Printer
M茅archl谩r = Keyboard
Luch贸g = Computer Mouse

  • Spellbound: Unit 29 Activity A & B
  • Treasury D Book: Page 28 Read Story 'The Humming Bird'
  • Answer Questions: Page 29 Qs 1 - 4
  • Title and Date: The Humming Bird    27/04/2020

  • Book Cover Competition: Have a look at Ms Lynch's 'Design a Book Cover' competition on the school website. There are prizes to be won from Scoil Cholmcille (Ms Lynch will be picking winners at the end of this week!) and O' Brien Press! If you're not in, you can't win! :)

  • Earthlink Book: Read pages 8 & 9 'Islands of Ireland'

Click on any link on the image below to bring you to activity.

Work for Tuesday 28th April 2020

Click Image to Enlarge

  • One page from Handwriting Book
  • Write the following paragraph in joined writing into your copy:
In countless fluted creases
The little elm-leaves show,
While white as carded fleeces
The dogwood blossoms blow.


  • Litrigh 茅 Linn: Page 53 Activity 3

Focl贸ir (Vocabulary)
Cart煤in = cartoon
Cl谩r Sp贸irt Sport Programme
Cl谩r D煤lra = Nature Programme
Aer贸g = Aerial
R铆omhaire = Computer
Cl贸d贸ir = Printer
M茅archl谩r = Keyboard
Luch贸g = Computer Mouse

  • Spellbound: Unit 29 Activity C & D
  • Treasury D Book: Page 28 Read Story 'The Humming Bird'
  • Answer Questions: Page 29 Qs 5 - 8
  • Title and Date: The Humming Bird    28/04/2020

  • Book Cover Competition: Have a look at Ms Lynch's 'Design a Book Cover' competition on the school website. There are prizes to be won from Scoil Cholmcille (Ms Lynch will be picking winners at the end of this week!) and O' Brien Press! If you're not in, you can't win! :)

  • Earthlink Book: Read pages 8 & 9 'Islands of Ireland'
  • Answer Questions: Page 9 Qs 1 - 5
  • Title and Date: Islands of Ireland    28/04/20

Click on any link on the image to bring you to activity.

Work for Wednesday 29th April 2020

Click to Enlarge Image

  • One page from Handwriting Book
  • Write the following paragraph in joined writing into your copy:
A rosy robe is wrapping
The early red-bud trees;
But still the haws are napping,
Nor heed the honey-bees.


  • Litrigh 茅 Linn: Page 53 Activity 4

Focl贸ir (Vocabulary)
Cart煤in = cartoon
Cl谩r Sp贸irt Sport Programme
Cl谩r D煤lra = Nature Programme
Aer贸g = Aerial
R铆omhaire = Computer
Cl贸d贸ir = Printer
M茅archl谩r = Keyboard
Luch贸g = Computer Mouse

  • Spellbound: Unit 29 Activity E & F
  • Treasury D Book: Page 31 Part A (Just write the 14 adjectives from the paragraph into your copy.
  • Title and Date: Adjectives   29/04/2020

  • Book Cover Competition: Have a look at Ms Lynch's 'Design a Book Cover' competition on the school website. There are prizes to be won from Scoil Cholmcille (Ms Lynch will be picking winners at the end of this week!) and O' Brien Press! If you're not in, you can't win! :)


Click on any link on the image to bring you to activity.

Work for Thursday 30th April 2020

Click Image to Enlarge

  • One page from Handwriting Book
  • Write the following paragraph in joined writing into your copy:
And still in lazy sleeping
The apple-buds are bound,
But tulip-tips are peeping
From out the garden ground.


  • Litrigh 茅 Linn: Page 53 Activity 5

Focl贸ir (Vocabulary)
Cart煤in = cartoon
Cl谩r Sp贸irt Sport Programme
Cl谩r D煤lra = Nature Programme
Aer贸g = Aerial
R铆omhaire = Computer
Cl贸d贸ir = Printer
M茅archl谩r = Keyboard
Luch贸g = Computer Mouse

  • Spellbound: Unit 29 Activity G & H
  • Persuasive Writing: Begin writing your persuasive writing letter to your parents. You have two days to do this. Click here for Guidelines.
  • Title and Date: Persuasive Writing   30/04/2020

  • Book Cover CompetitionHave a look at Ms Lynch's 'Design a Book Cover' competition on the school website. There are prizes to be won from Scoil Cholmcille (Ms Lynch will be picking winners at the end of this week!) and O' Brien Press! If you're not in, you can't win! :)


Click on any link on the image to bring you to activity.

Work for Friday 1st May 2020

Click Image to Enlarge

  • One page from Handwriting Book
  • Write the following paragraph in joined writing into your copy:
And yonder, gayly swinging
Upon the turning vane,
A robin redbreast singing
Makes merry at the rain!


  • Worksheet (Click Here): Draw a picture of a T.V show that you do NOT like! Give a reason why. (Help is on the worksheet!)


  • Book Cover Competition: Have a look at Ms Lynch's 'Design a Book Cover' competition on the school website. There are prizes to be won from Scoil Cholmcille (Ms Lynch will be picking winners at the end of this week!) and O' Brien Press! If you're not in, you can't win! :)


Click on any link on the image to bring you to activity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ms.Spain's Group: 27th April - 1st May

Ms.Spain's Literacy Group:
27th April – 1st May

I hope everyone is doing well and as always, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with please let me know on see-saw.
I would love to hear from you!

Please continue to do the following everyday:
1.     Spellbound (2 exercises a day)
2.    SNIP Booklet (1 exercises a day)
3.    Comprehension booklet (1 comprehension a day)
4.    Choose a book at the start of the week and read aloud from this everyday. 
     It is so important that we read everyday so try to keep this up!  
     Remember, there are some lovely short books on the Oxford Owl website, if you are finding it hard to get onto this let me know and I will explain.

If someone at home could test you on your spellings on Friday, that would be great. I know it is hard to do schoolwork at home but you are all doing great so far! Do your best to get the work done but if you are having any problems please let me know. Looking forward to seeing your lovely work or hearing about any books you are reading. Have a great week 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Work for 20th April to 24th April 2020

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break! 

I'll be posting work weekly for the children to do. If you read this post to the end, hopefully it will make sense to everyone! :) 

You'll find links at the end of this post to access the work each day!

We had a great number of parents and children engaging with Seesaw and uploading photos and videos of your work and various different activities you've been doing. I've loved reading messages about what you are getting up to! <3

As with the work assigned before Easter, there is no pressure to complete all or any of this work.

I would recommend that children try do some Numeracy and Literacy (Maths and English) everyday, if possible. Revision of tables and reading books for pleasure, would also be very beneficial! There are lots of links on the school website to Maths Games and Online Readers.

I've included plenty of work, while some children might do it all, other children might prefer to pick what they want to do out of it, whatever suits! 

I know it might be a bit tricky as we aren't using worksheets or our usual books, I've tried to organise work that can be written into your copies easily! I know there were copies given out to children in the stationary packs, but you can continue to use the copy you brought home initially, so everything is kept together!

An outline of the week's work is below.
Each day is in a different blog post (also linked below).

Any queries, let me know on Seesaw!!

Ms Cormican  

Outline of Work for Week of 20th April 2020.
Click on image to enlarge or click link below to download
Click here to download outline of work for the week.

More detailed explanation of work and links to worksheets are written in separate Blog Posts for each day. 

Click on the link to bring you to the correct day:

Monday 20th April 2020
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Friday 24th April 2020
Long Multiplication Revision Resources
Ms Spain's Literacy Group 
Activities to keep you moving
Earth Day Activities

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Long Multiplication Revision

Boy Math Cliparts 13 - 246 X 450 - WebComicms.Net

In maths this week, the children will be revising their 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.
They will also be doing a small bit of revision of Long Multiplication.

When we finished up Long Multiplication, the whole class understood the concept and were getting their sums correct. They may have forgotten the method since, so I’m providing resources to help jog their memories!

For this week, the priority is revising the method, therefore, I would recommend the children have their Multiplication Tables Books open to help them find the correct answers, if stuck!

Once they recall the Long Multiplication Method, then they can focus on trying them without the help of their Tables Books!

Here is a PowerPoint I made that I hope helps the children. Click Here to Download

Here is a YouTube Video that might help the children also. Click Here!

How to Download PowerPoint and View Correctly:

1) Click on link here or above to download.

2) Click on arrow pointing down. (See picture below)

Click Download

 3) Download will begin. Click on grey box in bottom left corner. (See picture below)
Open Download

 4) Once downloaded, click 'Slideshow' on grey bar at top of screen. (See picture below)

Once Downloaded, Click Slideshow

Click Slideshow on Grey Bar

 5) Once you click Slideshow, new options will appear. (See picture below)

6) Click on From Beginning (See picture below)

To view SlideShow correctly, click 'From Beginning'

 7) Slideshow is ready to go. Right click with your mouse or the right arrow key in keyboard to change slides. (See picture below)

Slideshow is ready to begin